Tuesday, 21 July 2009

I have a cunning plan.....................

a plan so cunning, you could pin a tail on it, and call it a Weasel. If only....

So, there has to be a planned timetable to get me back to London inside 116 hours, so here it is (slightly tweaked for errors).

The idea will be to lengthen (or more probably shorten) the sleep periods to keep with the timetable.

Well, that at least is the plan, but as (I think it was) Napoleon once said, "No plan survives first contact with the enemy". We shall see.

Time to stop posting, and start getting ready. I'll leave the rest to Twitter


Simon Lewis said...

I'm now following you on Twitter. Will there be updates during the ride?

Clive Handy said...

Hell, yes! Thats the whole point of learning how to use it.

Hopefully, I'll be twittering from each and every control point, as much to remind myself of what was happening / how I was feeling so that I can do the write-up